What is our IP?

Our core Intellectual property leverages ideas, innovations and creativity for deploying complex engineering solutions. RFIC team through their 40 years of extensive design work has acquired knowledge, intellect and expertise in delivering challenging complex RF IC Chips to our valuable customer.

Our IP includes MMIC designs which are proven and can be used by a company for integrating IP into a complex highly integrated MMIC chip. Our Standalone IP can also be used by our customers to go into high volume production. These IPs are available for some NRE and royalty combination.

RFIC Solutions IP includes mmWave frequency MMIC blocks like Power Amplifiers, Driver Amplifiers, Low Noise Amplifiers, Mixers, Multipliers, Variable Attenuators, Phase Shifters, Switches, VCO, PLL, Passives like Balun, Power Splitter, Filters etc. RFIC Solutions also has IP for highly integrated mmWave RF Transceivers, Front End Modules for phased array systems. These IP can be used for point-to-point radio, SatCom/VSAT, WLAN, 5G and cellular systems as well as general microwave applications.


Sr.No.IP IDType Process Technology Freq (GHz) Gain (dB) OP1dB (dBm) OIP3 (dBm) PsatNF (dB) VDD (V) ID (mA) Application
0.1 um GaAs pHEMT
2716262.731045G, Satcom, Backhaul
2RFICLN05 Low Noise Amplifier 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 12-15 20 20.7 28 22 1.1 462.7 5G, Satcom, Backhaul
3RFICDA05 Driver-Amp 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 12-18 15 17 - 21 5.4 4 865G, Satcom, Backhaul
Low Noise Amplifier 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 12-22 17 14 24 18 1.4 4 62 5G, Satcom, Backhaul
5RFICLN09 Low Noise Amplifier 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 50-66 20 11 20
5.5 4 209.8 5G, Satcom, Backhaul
6RFICLN10 Low Noise Amplifier 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 50-70 18 10 18 18 5 4 209.8 5G, Satcom, Backhaul


Sr.No.IP ID Type Process Technology Freq (GHz) LO Freq (GHz)IF Freq (GHz) Conversion Loss (dB) IIP3 (dBm) Isolation (dB) Image Rejection (dB) ApplicationPre-Release
1RFICUC02 UPC Mixer (Singly Balanced) 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 24 to 3026 to 362-6 820> 20135G, Satcom, BackhaulDatasheet
2RFICUC03UPC Mixer (Singly Balanced) 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 24 to 3013 to 182-6 925> 20135G, Satcom, BackhaulDatasheet
3RFICUC04UPC Mixer (Singly Balanced) 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 56 to 7053 to 643-6144> 20-802.11ad, 60GHz(MGWS)Datasheet

RF Switches

Sr.No. IP ID Type Process Technology
Freq (GHz) Insertion Loss (dB) OIP3 (dBm) Isolation (dB)Applications
4RFIPSW04TR Switch 0.1 um GaAs pHEMT (EMR)0.4 to 61.3 33 355G,Backhaul,SATCOM

Frequency Multipliers

Sr.No.IP IDType Process Technology
Input Freq (GHz)Output Freq (GHz)Conversion Gain (dB)Output Power (dBm)Harmonic suppresion (dBc)VDDIDDVSSISSApplication
2RFIPFM02Doubler0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 8 to 1216 to 24-85354-5Wireless Application
3RFIPX201Doubler0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 4.5 to 5.759 to 11.54425435-526Wireless Application
4RFIPX202Doubler0.1 um GaAs pHEMT 9 to 11.518 to 23-8325437-526Wireless Application

Phase Shifters

Sr.No. IP ID Type Process TechnologyFreq (GHz) Return Loss (dB) Phase error (degrees) Amplitude Delta (dB) Number of bits Insertion Loss Phase Change Application
1RFICPS07Digital Phase Shifter0.1 um GaAs pHEMT24 to 30 10/8±5±1.5480-360 deg 5G, Satcom, BackhaulDatasheet
2RFICPS08Digital Phase Shifter0.1 um GaAs pHEMT56 to 7010/8±5±1.5480-360 deg 802.11ad, 60GHz(MGWS)Datasheet

Voltage Variable Attenuators

Sr.No.Part NoTypeProcess/TechnologyFreq (GHz)Insertion Loss (dB)Attenuation Range (dB)IRL (dB)ORL (dB)IP1 (db)Control Voltage (V)Application

Variable Attenuators

Sr.No.Part NoTypeProcess/TechnologyFreq (GHz)Insertion Loss (dB)Attenuation Range (dB)IRL (dB)ORL (dB)IP1 (db)Control Voltage (V)Application

Phase Frequency Detector

Sr.No. IP ID Type Process/Technology Frequency (MHz) Power Supply (V) Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) Application
1 RIBFD01 Phase Frequency Detector 180nm CMOS 40 1.8 <-160@10 kHz offset PLL, Frequency Synthesizers

Low Power Voltage Refference

Sr.No. IP ID Type Process/Technology Supply Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (uA) Line regulation (mV) Turn on settling time (msec) Switching current (mA) Quiescent Current (uA) Application
1 RFVGR03Voltage references 180nm CMOS 1.8 1.2250 13 15 1.46 General Purpose,High-Speed Driver Chipset Power, Networking Back plane Cards, Network Interface Cards, PLL

Phase Locked Loop

Sr.No.IP ID Type Process Technology Fvco (MHz) Kvco (MHz/V) Vtune (mV) Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) PFD Frequency (MHz) Application
1 RIBPL01 Phase locked Loop 180nm CMOS 2000-2800 667 0.6-1.8 Low 40 PLL, Frequency Synthesizers

Low Dropout Voltage Regulator

Sr.No.IP ID Type Process/Technology Freq (GHz) Power Supply (V) Maximum Power Dissipation (mW)Maximum Frequency Allowed (GHz) Division Ratio Application
1 RFPD01 Frequency Divider 180nm CMOS 0.1 to 1 GHz 1.8 1.8 1.5 16 to 127PLL, Mobile Communication, Frequency Synthesizers

Frequency Divider

Sr.No.IP ID Type Process/Technology Drop out voltage (V) Supply Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V) Output Current (mA) Line regulation (mV) Turn on settling time (msec)Switching current (mA) Quiescent Current (uA) Application
1 RJLDO03 LDO 180nm CMOS 0.6 1.81.18 3515 249186 5 ASIC clock generator, Clocking of A/D and D/A converters,Cellular Systems

Ring Oscillator

Sr.No. IP ID TypeProcess/TechnologyFreq (GHz)Ring Oscillator Gain (MHz/V ) Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)Frequency Drift (MHz )Output Rise Time (pS) Output Fall Time (pS)Supply Voltage (V) Application
1RG01 Ring Oscillator 180nm CMOS2.2 to 2.8 GHz. 680 -100 <1 75 to 10075 to 1001.8 PLL, Mobile Communication, Frequency Synthesizers